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RST or Social Technological Responsibility is the way to bring the social value of new technologies to your company. The best of CSR and cutting-edge technology at the service of people to create a fairer and more ethical world. Do you want to know more?

At Ayúdame3D wewant to create a more ethical and social business environment with a single objective: to help. We are aware of the importance of working in all areas within the framework of the 2030 Agenda and with a focus on the SDGs, and we believe that technology is a fundamental tool for change.

Ayúdame3D is a pioneer in RST (Technological Social Responsibility). We put technology at the service of companies to generate a more ethical and supportive environment and work to change the world. Making a positive impact has never been easier. There are several options to benefit from our RST programmes and bring the social value of technology to your business. 

  • PROGRAM POWERED BY (your company): Sponsor educational innovation projects or humanitarian actions.
  • TEAMBUILDINGS WITH 3D PRINTERS: Your business team printing and building assistive devices.
  • BRAND VALUE, WE DESIGN WHAT YOU NEED: Design of 100% personalised products for clients or employees.
  • INSPIRATIONAL CONFERENCES, SOCIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL IMPACT: 7 years of experience driving social impact. Face-to-face or virtual talks.

At Ayúdame3D we are pioneers in RST actions as well as having extensive experience and a great capacity to adapt to the needs of each company. The main benefits of the RST actions we offer are the following:

Differentiation: be one of the first companies to implement a technological strategy to generate greater social impact with your actions and positively influence the working environment.

Opportunities: improvement of the technological and social skills of the workforce. Basic knowledge of additive manufacturing technologies with social impact and implementation of a more ethical and fairer corporate vision.

Adaptability: actions adaptable to the current situation. Possibility of carrying out online actions or hybrid events. Adaptable to the characteristics of each company.

Social impact: CSR actions that value technology and available resources to transform them into social change.

Direct action: our RST programmes translate directly into support for vulnerable groups and people with disabilities. Your company will easily see the results of your actions and contribute to building a better world with any of our RST programmes.

We believe in our project and we believe in what we do. So the list of benefits about our RST programmes could go on and on. It is time to step forward and say "I can change the world around me because it is too easy not to help".

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